To contribute, please select one of the categories below, or click a choice above.

Here are the sponsorship choices:

Sponsorship levelsFriend



Supporter €50+Key Sponsor  €100+Premium SponsorTitle Sponsor 
Share the link to Roy's website
Make a donation 
Invitations to Races and Practice  
Name on this website  
Name, logo and website link   
Sticker on the kart   
Name on Roy’s suit or helmet    
Hospitality at Race events    
Name on the kart and tent     


Where does the money go? Here is a list of some of the things you can see:


Item descriptionQuantityPrice
Chassis Praga Monster II12,790.00
Engine Waterswift12,190.00
Swiss championship entry fee11,500.00
EuroSeries Race Entry, per event4€ 950.00
Wetsuit, gloves, shoes1400.00
Rib protector, neck brace1300.00
Helmet design1€ 400.00


Here are some of the ongoing costs:


Item descriptionQuantityPriceTotal
Engine Service, Piston and labour6195.001,170.00
Tyre sets Komet mini12170.002,040.00
Tyre sets Bridgestone25165.004,125.00
Stickerset Praga mini 1159.00159.00
Transport Kart, events and practice10150.001,500.00
Seat IMAF1139.00139.00
Wheel rims, magnesium4100.00400.00


Thank you in advance for supporting my racing career!

Reference: DONATION
Category: SponsorDonation
Many thanks for your donation from €5 up to €45, please click on the Quantity to increase the amount in multiples of €5
High Giver
Reference: SUPPORTER
Category: SponsorSupporter
Please support Roy with a donation of at least €50, which can be topped up by clicking Quantity in Giver.
Key Sponsor
Reference: KSP
Category: SponsorKey
This includes your name, logo and a link on the website. Please click in the “Quantity” field to increase the amount of sponsorship in multiples of €100.
Premium Sponsor
Reference: PSP
Category: SponsorPremium
Premium includes your name and logo displayed according to our agreement, with links from the website.
Title Sponsor
Reference: TSP
Category: SponsorTitle
Main (Title) Sponsor includes your name and logo on the kart, as well as the racesuit and/or helmet, and the race tent, with links from the website.